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Starting on the journey of becoming twenty-something. A psychology student who is interested in photography, design, and advertising. Find pleasure in art, food, music, and good books. I like to play badminton and I support Arsenal Football Club. I wish for a world where everyone is free to love.


Rice up against hunger

Blog Archive

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Who knew

In my life, as far as I can remember, there are a few moments where I know something has fundamentally changed me. 2021 is definitely one of them.

Who knew

It's not business as usual

Sometimes life isn't bright enough

For me to put on my rose tinted glasses

And the days I called nothing special

Are the days I might have taken for granted

So full of blessings

That I didn't realise one day some parts could be missing


But that's what makes it worth it

This time I'm counting my learnings

Walking on with both eyes opened

Wide enough? I'm not sure

But I start to ask the hard questions

To know myself better

To tie up the loose ends, to get to that clear first page


Seasons change

Not because anyone wants it to

But because it's time to

And with each things gone

New things come

And me, or human in general

Are here to live through them

We're made for the world, world ain't made for us

Btw who are to say journey has to have an end?


So here I am

Feeling like I have grown up for a bit

With a new, hopefully better perspective

Ready for the year ahead

Once more with my heart on my sleeve

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